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6 feet x 3 ft. x 3 ft. 

Currently in the collection of the Artist

Pulling, then letting go of a red cord brings this Simple Mechanical Escapement to life. 

At the other end of the cord hangs a weight.  The weight powers a star shaped wheel whose spinning spokes strike a hanging, metal "Y" shaped pendulum with unstructured irregularity. 

This little sculpture illustrates an ancient clockwork mechanism, a crown wheel escapement.  But here the mechanical elements are held so loosely that an erratic dance takes place, instead a measured beat. 

"... a spidery grace, delicate gears and wheels that clank and chime as they move through their herky-jerky paces."   - Judy Arginteanu,  The St. Paul Pioneer Press. 


© 2023 by Norman Tuck. All Rights Reserved.   

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